Vaccine Information
The vaccine is a lipid nano particle capsule mRNA frequency code generated by the Chinese through gain of function in the U.S. for one of the spikes in the Covid Virus using aborted fetus tissue and rats. The fake lipid capsule is not digestible so it causes damage to epithelial linings. The spike protein code is not a brain and body connection because it is an endocrine disrupter. Therefore damage is done to the liver, heart, thymus and sex organs and are responding to error messages caused by the fake mRNA causing a cascade of the immune system at the individual persons’ weakest area.
Common Questions
Vaccine Injury Case Studies
Recent News, Trials & Lawsuits
Detox FAQ
Solution: Buy-A-Box to Detox
Common Questions
How was the Vaccine Created?
What is MRNA?
Aborted fetus Tissue in Rats
What is the Vaccine Doing?
Just like a house, the electricity runs through it – so is your heart.
You have the pole outside the house and the wires inside the house. You have wires in the house connecting to the breaker. Sometimes it turns on and sometimes it turns off. Sometimes it is not connected to the outlets. You may have to switch the breaker and sometimes fixing the circuit you get shocked.
COVID Vaccine stops Kreb Cycle
Your heart has an electric system and a pumping mechanism coming in and out in a very planned way. The vaccine sufficates organs, stops the electricity and promotes internal failure.
What is the Kreb Cycle?
COVID vaccine shuts down Kreb cycle. Sources explaining mycarditis or pericarditis from COVID vaccine: CDC, cardiovascular system or Kreb cycle.
Why is the Vaccine unsafe?
Vaccine Injury Case Studies
Vaccine Reactivates Cancer
Mel, Surfer to Wheelchair
Heart Risk After Vaccine
POTS (1 in 3 Americans Suffer)
Common Symptoms: Vertigo, Dizziness, Fainting, Brain Fog, Fatique, Heart Palpitations
76 Year Old Died (Vaccine Brain Damage Injury)
Reproductive Issues
Infertility & Reproductive Damage
The reproductive systems of both women and men are protected by a five endothelial blood-tissues barriers :
in Women:
the blood-follicle barrier (BFB) protects developing follicles in the ovary: it is thus fundamental to woman fertility
the blood-placenta barrier (BPB) feeds and protects the growing foetus; it needs to adapt as the placenta expands simultaneously with the foetus
the blood-milk barrier (BMB) protects the baby’s good health by controlling the quality of the milk supplied
in Men:
the blood-testis barrier (BTB) and the blood-epididymal barrier (BEB) protects the sperm notably from the immune system
While it will take time to account for the true damage done to population fertility by these vaccines and their attacks on endothelial barriers, one can only be horrified to admit that already today in the US:
Damage to Placenta, Offspring and Development
Dr. James Thorp, MD board-certified in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Considering that the placenta acts both as a hospitable feeding cocoon to the baby-to-be-born as well as an adaptive protection, it is quite obvious that a pregnant woman should never be vaccinated given the possible nefarious consequences of vaccine endothelial transfection2
During the whole pregnancy, the placenta expands with the foetus, a nourishing infrastructure of blood vessels progressively growing and adapting to accompany the baby’s own accelerated growth. We know for a fact that these vaccines can disrupt not only the protection of the Blood-Placenta Barrier, but also the blood flow through clotting of the placental vasculature !
Direct Quote from Source:
Doctors, Trials, Forums & Documents
Bill Gates lost lawsuit & will Appear in Dutch Court
1min Read
A Netherlands court last week ruled that Bill Gates can stand trial in the Netherlands, in a case involving seven people injured by COVID-19 vaccines.
According to Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, the seven “corona skeptics” sued Gates last year, along with former Dutch prime minister and newly appointed NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, and “several members” of the Dutch government’s COVID-19 “Outbreak Management Team.”
Other defendants include Albert Bourla, Ph.D., CEO of Pfizer, and the Dutch state.
(Source Defender)
Dr. Clare E. H. Craig (Book)
(Interview with Dr Clare Craig)
TGA Reports on Adverse Reactions
What Does Pfizer Say About the Vaccine Adverse Effects?
Signed Letter by Doctors & Lawyers to Parliament
Vaccine Injury Recent News
Evidence: Abortion led to COVID Vaccine
Reasons for Religious Exemption: Why you can sue your workplace for forcing any and all vaccines
DNA (aborted fetus tissue) contamination in vaccines
Viral origins evidence (Spike stops your natural immune system)
Vaccine Injured?
Many victims of vaccine injury have reported:
1. Hormone Imbalance
2. Shorteness of breath
3. Heart Palpations
4. Turbo Cancer
5. Brain Fog
6. Numbness in Hands and Feet
7. Sharp Abdominal Pains
8. Sleeplessness
9. Increase Anxiety
10. Unexplained Illness
11. Lowered Libido
12. POTS
13. Turbo Cancers
14. Unexplained Autoimmune Disease
15. Loss of Balance
16. Random ER visits for Pain in Intestines, Appendix, Liver
17. Long COVID symptoms
18. Miscarriages
19. Missed Periods
20. Unexplained Swelling in genitals, ovaries and prostate
Buy-A-Box to Detox
Eliminate the COVID vaccine and improve your health today!
Stop and reverse the spread of the MRNA spike protein of the vaccine through an 8-day protocol using electricity medicine and ozone to jump off the message of the vaccine and shove out through the distraction.