How To Sleep Better

It’s all about Pressure.

How is Your Body Pressure?

“Body Pressure” is required to keep hormonal, neuromuscular, and cardiovascular systems balanced and happy.

This pressure from head to toe is created by keeping the pressure on the outside similar to the inside pressure.

Usually, people who have a job sitting from 9am-5pm looking at a screen has less pressure in their body than someone who works construction. You are more likely to “fall” asleep when your body has been moving all day developing that inside body pressure up to it’s balanced preference in order to fall asleep. There’s a reason why children fall asleep on the way home from playing outside all day. Their bodies have the amount of pressure to happily fall asleep in any position with out anyone telling them to do it!

How is your “Body Pressure?” Do you feel restless at night? Do you move around before you fall asleep?

Reading over your Homeostasis checklist in the morning will help focus your mind on better decisions during the day.


1. Sleep Training - 9 Hours (9pm - 7am)

2. Total Body Stretches

Step 1. In bed, right before falling asleep gently pull your belly button back to spine.

Step 2: Squeeze your whole body towards the midline.

Legs will squeeze together fron inner thight all the way down to your ankles while your arms squeeze into your side (armpit, elbow pit, wrists and palms of hands).

Squeeze for 7 seconds.

Repeat 3 times.

3. Enough Blood & Water?

3. Are you drinking a gallon of water a day and eating 3 meals a day?

This provides the perfect balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide during the day. Right before falling asleep your body develops more ozone or oxygen to heal. This happens because we are not using energy to move around.
Why a gallon of water a day?

Sleep Scenerios:
When we can’t fall asleep usually we do not have enough oxygen. Make sure during the day you drink a gallon of water through out the day. 64 ounces before 12:00pm and 64 ounces after. 

When we fall asleep fast but wake up and can’t go back to sleep we usually need more carbon dioxide.

When we are stressed we may not be able to fall asleep or we are restless. Please listen to podcast in #1 Solution if this is the case. You may understand what could help!

Call Amy to see if you are in need of more oxygen or carbon dioxide. (214)8106624

4. Overwhelmed/Anxious

1. Listen to Alister Beggs sermon on anxiety before falling asleep.

2.  Allow your body to recover. Check out Brain Rest page for more ideas to bring your body into “Rest & Digest.”

5. 20 Minute Walk a Day

Yes. Hands free 20 minute walk every day helps warm your body up and regulate chemicals, clean out waste in the brain and help the heart pump blood for total body healing. This allows your body to look forward laying down and sleeping.

Learn How to Walk Coming Soon…

6. No Screens for 1 Hour Before Bed
In order to fall asleep our eyes need to rapidly look back and forth to “Lure” your body to sleep.

In order to watch blue light on your TV, phone or computer screen our eyes do the same thing. they have to glance back and forth For each wave of light to keep up with the picture. This is called “exhausted eye muscles.”

When our eye muscles are exhausted going back and forth all day staring at blue light, they finally rest when you lay down looking at the ceiling. Now you know why sometimes you can’t fall asleep and your brain just started a “Thinking party” about the whole

7. Valerian Root/Oil

This is last resort if you tried the above solutions and did not work.

Take an hour before bed.

1. You can get Valerian Root on amazon: Here

2. A more concentrated version in the essential oil form:
For Adults, Put 3 to 4 drops of Valerian Oil in a veggie capsule. Take an hour before bed.
For Babies or Toddlers, mix one drop with lard on the bottom of the feet.

Buy Valerian in Revive Store

We sell all these items in our clinic in Denton, TX. Call or Text to see if we have them in stock (214)810-6624 and we will put them on hold for you.

10 Reasons to Go to Sleep (9 hours)

It’s time to let go of identifying as a “night owl.”

1. Help prevent weight gain

Sleep deprivation disrupts the daily
fluctuations in appetite hormones and is
believed to cause poor appetite regulation.

2. Boost Immune System

Even a small loss of sleep has been shown
to impair immune function.

3. Strengthen Your Heart

A review of 15 studies found that people
who don’t get enough sleep are at far
greater risk of heart disease or stroke than
those who sleep 7–8 hours per night.

4. Balance Glucose, Metabbolism & Decrease Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Experimental sleep restriction affects blood sugar and reduces insulin sensitivity. These symptoms resolved after one week of increased sleep duration.

5. Improve Social Life

Researchers believe that poor sleep affects your ability to recognize important social cues and process emotional information.

6. Improve Brain Function

Another study found that short sleep
can negatively impact some aspects
of brain function to a similar degree
as alcohol intoxication.

7. Decrease Depression

It’s been estimated that 90% of
people with depression complain
about sleep quality.

8. Decrease Colds

If you often get colds, ensuring that you get
at least 8 hours of sleep per night could be
very helpful.

9. Help Motivation

The effect of sleep on weight gain is believed
to be mediated by numerous factors, including hormones and motivation to exercise.

10. Increase Strength

A study in over 2,800 women found that poor sleep was linked to slower walking, lower grip strength, and greater difficulty performing independent activities.