I Did Not Know That
New: Boogers
It’s quiet amazing!
Boogers are dried up mucus which is apart of your respiratory system to defend us from toxic air, smoke, bacteria, viruses and parasites!
Mucus coats these nasty things and you are recommended to spit it out, don’t swallow or eat your boogers. That may make it go systemic and repeat a longer time fighting instead of healing. Too much mucus in the stomach will lead to throwing it up.
Next time you see your loved one pick their nose, or clear their throat slide them a glass of water…
This is why some people have a “sinus headache” and some people have a “stomach bug.” It has less to do with WHAT the bug is and more to do with WHERE it is.
The function of each muscle and organ is amazingly designed to keep us healthy, excreting and reproducing!
New: Everybody poops! How?
Herpes, Strep, Ecoli & More on my Skin!
After performing therapuetic massages for over 10 years now, I always wondered why all the clients who did yoga stretches had hormone imblance, lower back issues, hot flashes, weak ankles, fertility issues, thyroid issues, anxiety, frequent neck tightness and BELLY BLOAT!
Belly Bloat: I’m referring to muscular disorders not merely gut issues. Belly bloat is not referring to chronic gas, but to the lack of strength in these muscles: obliques and rectus abdominal. Specifically the popping out of the belly button which creates a diastasis recti causing a weakness in the solar plexus area (below sternum). This causes herniations creating aggressive lower back issues. It promotes all kinds of disconnections from lumbar and tail bone, shutting off lower pudendal nerve aka the result of “pelvic floor issues.”
In other words, Yoga does not create an hour glass figure. Yoga creates a posture compressing your lateral line.
Look up belly breathing how it displaces the abdomen what’s called the “abdomen containment” where all organs are misplaced. Yogi and yoga gurus want their organs to regress out of place because they’re trying to get to nirvana or the “happy place” which is misleading as it shuts off our Vagus nerve shifting our bodies to “Fight or Flight” which leads to a lack of digestion, lack of reproduction and lack of elimination. These designed poses turn off body function so they can go into a transcendental state. That’s the whole purpose of it. It’s how they get to mediation or “white space” as they call it, where they can feel god like.
Watch Video for more findings:
Solution: Instead of poses, do the Sports Stretch Routine on the Stretch App & Book Here. These stretches are designed to pump blood into muscles with the result of “Rest & Digest.”
Here is a detailed dive into yoga:
I always wondered why clients taking synthetics had a harder time getting pregnant, don’t sleep well, voice depression, sick more often, moody more often, frozen shoulder, lower back/sciatic issues, weak bones, unstable joints, randomly dizzy and find themselves doing things they don’t want to do.
I started doing research to see the true side effects of medications. My jaw dropped when I found out the history of all medicaitons. Watch Video for my findings.
Stop the Bloat
Video Coming Soon…
After noticing clients who consistnely don’t have a functional digestive system resulting in weight gain, sciatic issues, gallbladder aches, liver pain, frequent burping and farting I started doing research.
The common thread of these clients usually eat bread from yeast starters, drink a few beers a week or glass of wine for dinner. In some cases they drink a couple cokes a week. One thing they all have in common is they can’t get the bloat to go away.
I started doing research on these food items they regularly eat. They all had one thing in common: Yeast. Yeast often has mold in it. Mold causes bloating.
Online Assessment >Download App > Speciality Stretches > Sports
Undercover Strength
“I feel old” or “Man, I can’t do what I used to do.” Age is a factor of two things: Dehydration and repetitive motion.
I noticed clients who mentioned their muscles are weak or not strong often have something in common: muscle fatigue from repetitive motion.
No matter what strength and conditioning activity you do, fascia (the coating around muscle) is bloodless due to wear and tear.
Fascia does not care what exercise program you are on, if it is starving from food and water and liesure walks…it will get more stuck and more weak. Try stretches that push blood into the muscles to heal and strengthen on the app.
Go to > Online Assessment > Sports Stretches
Hokey Pokey Study
Children need to move to activate the brain. The brain responds in full force allowing them to move in a variety of ways including crossing the mid-lines. Songs like “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” and “Hokey Pokey” are examples of crossing the midlines of the body.
Why are these action songs and the mid-line important for brain development?
The motions to the songs encourage children to cross all three body mid-lines, reaching the top to bottom, left to right, and front to back. These physical movements demand coordination from both the left and right sides of the brain. This strengthens the tissues called the corpus callosum that divides the two sides of the brain that is important for communication from one side of the brain to the other. These movements help to develop and strengthen neural pathways laying the foundation for further development in language, literacy, and math skills.
Indoor Pets = Mental Illness
Indoor cats and dogs can give you parasites. Parasites interfere with brain function.
“Studies have looked at accidents — individuals in automobile accidents, both actually drivers and pedestrians — and they have increased rates of Toxoplasma as well,” says Bob Yolken, chair of Pediatric Neurovirology at Johns Hopkins medical school.
Let's Go Back to Pantaloons
Video Coming Soon…