25 Ways to Use Castor Oil + Zinc Cream!
1. Night Mask
Before bed, smear on all of face like you would with sunscreen. Leave on and clean up excess in the morninging wherever there is white cream showing.
It’s white just like sunscreen so you might want to put a towel on your pillow.
Thanks to the Zinc + Castor Oil Cream you can get rid of waste in your body a little easier!
2. Burns
For minor burns, apply.
For major burns, please see your local burn care treatment facility.
After rinsing burn with ozone water with salt, apply cream on top. Apply through out the day.
Thanks to the Zinc + Castor Oil Cream you can get rid of waste and calm a burn down!
3. Vertigo/Dizziness
Apply a smear of cream behind the ears. Do this regularly and consistently through out the day until the dizziness is less frequent. Make sure to stay hydrated and eat food.
4. Knee Pain
Before putting on pants you don’t mind getting cream all over them…apply like sunscreen on knee pain. Do this 4x or 5x a day until the pain subsides.
5. Acne
Apply on spots, blemishes or acne bumbs every night until they are gone.
6. Respiratory Issues
For kids – Apply at the bottom of feet.
For Adults – Apply around diaphgram/rib cage and abdomen and on Temples.
You will have white all over you, so do this at night or plan on staying inside and drinking something with Molasses in it with your feet up!
7. Sunscreen ☀️🧴
Use just like sunscreen with out the toxins and your skin is left feeling amazing a day outside!
8. Arthritis
Apply on wrists, joints and Thymus. Your Thymus is the gland behind your sternum.
(Apply on your sternum – your middle, upper chest!)
Repeat through out the day until pain subsides.
9. Smelly Armpits
Apply like sunscreen in your armpits and watch the smell go away! Repeat for 3 or 4 days until smell is gone. Stay hydrated and eat food.
10. Down There - Pelvic Floor
Apply like sunscreen in the crevice of your legs and pelvic floor. This helps clean out any odors or strange sharp pains that may occur from random bacteria or viruses.
11. Congestion 🤧
Apply on neck and inside nostrils and back of neck on spine. Repeat through out the day.
Yes, you will be white, so don’t plan on any special meetings. This is for people trying to feel better so they’re already home.
12. Back Pain
Apply on pain like sunscreen. Repeat through out the day until subsides.
90% of back pain is from not eating enough food. Make sure you’re keeping your blood supply up and eating red meat, veggies, bread and butter and fruit.
13. Ear Infections 👂🏼
Apply behind ears. Repeat through out the day until the pain subsides.
Stay hydrated.
14. Dry Skin
Apply on dry skin as needed through out the day. By the end of the day you’ll have great skin!
Other ways to combat dry skin:
- Too much heater? Crack a window in your house if you have consistent dry skin.
- You need to be more bloody.
15. Pregnant Women
Apply all over core every day before sleeping. This will help the skin, muscles and lypmathic pump good blood in and waste out during pregnancy making things smoother and less tense.
16. Itchy/Red Eyes
Apply on eye lids and under eyes. you will look like a white racoon so – stay inside or use less and rub it in.
After a few applications – it will slowly dissapear!
17. Babies - Bruises and Red Marks 👶🏼
ANY dry or rash skin apply this on it and watch it calm the area…repeat until area is back to normal.
This is also great for babies draining waste from head after birth. From nurses yanking and people pulling on the spine, it is always nice to apply cator oil on the whole spine of baby. Start with a little (Sunscreen amount) and add more every day if needed.
The spine is the way we all drain and collect waste. If it is damaged for any reason, it needs that extra help. This cream helps A LOT!
18. Use for Foundation - Under Eye - Baggy Eyes
Apply under eyes or as a light layer of foundation, use very little to rub in. It brightens the face and under eyes!
19. Rough Bottom Feet 👣
Apply every night before bed on hard skin areas on feet. After applying cover with loose socks.
Wake up with smoother skin on your feet! Repeat until the feet are back to homeostasis (normal for you).
20. Period Cramps
Apply like sunscreen on your lower abdomen. Put heating pad on top. Do this for 20 minutes. Repeat through out the day if the cramping continues.
Put your feet up 45 degree angle comfortably for recovery position benefits of blood flow and putting your body back into Rest & Digest.
21. Thyroid Imbalances
Use just like sunscreen every day on your Thyroid (All around your neck)
Repeat morning and evening. Rub in so the white is not seen or only choose to do it at night with a towel on pillow.
It will regulate blood flow and clean out waste from your neck muscles – cleans thyroid!
22. Hemorrhoids
Apply cator oil cream on Hemorrhoids. Repeat through out the day.
Every night for 40 minutes lay down in recovery position with your feet up 45 degrees (put pillows under knees).
23. Hand Balm for a Hard Days Work
For all those practioners, parents, welders, plumbers, and police officers – rub this cream on your hands after a shower and long days work.
This calms your hand muscles and rewards your brain for doing a great job serving God in a corrupt world we live in.
24. Headaches & Head Bonks 🤕
Apply on back of neck and temples. Smear enough on like sunscreen.
Headaches only: mix with peppermint oil for a great smell.
Head Bonks: Apply as needed – dont rub it in hard. Lightly apply it and have the child or adult sit down and relax for 45 minutes. Drink water and some type of molasses thing!
25. Insomnia
Apply on feet and behind ears. Do this every night. Make sure you’re eating food and hydrating through out the day.
How to make Blood
Ozone being an antimicrobial agent inactivates and kills bacteria, protozoa, yeast, fungi and virus.