How To Defend
Against Vaccine Shedding
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What is Shedding?
Explaining Vaccine Shedding | COVID Vaccine is Gene therapy
Starting at 52 | February 19, 2025
Montana calls for gene therapy ban (Gene therapy = COVID vaccines)
4min | February 2025
Megyn Kelly Interview
Vaccine Injuries, AI, and COVID Vaccine Shedding
Full Video: Here
10min 28min
Spike Protein shedding
4min 11sec
Pictures below are in the video.

As a massage therapist, I have found these solutions effective in mitigating the effects of exposure to COVID vaccine shedding.
The following solutions help protect against the frequencies of the COVID vaccine and synthetic medications, preventing them from spreading systemically. Vaccine shedding has also been linked to the following effects:
- diabetes
- turbo cancers
- artery disease
- strokes
- hearing/seeing loss
- missed periods
- unexplained numbness
- sharp pains in different organs such as intestines, appendix, heart, stomach, ovaries, uterus, prostate, testes, bone and mesentary.
1. Daily Drink a Gallon of Ozonated Water
Ozone kills parasites, viruses, mold and bacteria.
Ozone being an antimicrobial agent inactivates and kills bacteria, protozoa, yeast, fungi and virus.
2. Ozonate Olive Oil and Peppermint for Toothpaste
The gums, mouth and nose, ears, skin and feet are the “opening” to our mucosal lining or “insides.” When foreign invaders like parasties, bacteria, mold, fungus and endocrine distruptors find their way close to us – we can help the barrier.
Protecting body from foriegn invaders.
1. Ozonate olive oil for 15 minutes using generator.
2. Mix with peppermint or wintergreen essential oil
3. Brush teeth
To ozone olive oil you use a generator you can buy on amazon here.
Ozone being an antimicrobial agent inactivates and kills bacteria, protozoa, yeast, fungi and virus.
3. Copper Cloth for Shield
Cut pieces to put in pockets or make lining for jeans. Use sewing gun to sew on clothes.
Protects against the frequency code and nosodes-2 from penetrating in your body.
Cut and place in underwear, purse or pockets of clothing when around vaccinated people or crowds.
You can sew, paper clip or use sew gun to sew on to inside of clothes.
4. Eat Variety of Foods & Spices
Parasites, viruses, mold and fungus can not survive in oxygenated environments.
We have a whole page of yummy recipes. Check it out!
5. Homemade Nasal Spray
Homemade Nasal Spray
Our nose is the first defense to our immune system. It warms and cleans the air with hair and mucus.
Sometimes our mucusal lining needs more protection against the toxins in the environment. These endocrine distruptors (chemicals, indoor pet parasites, synthetics, mrna Vaccines and the new up and rising CRISPR technology aka nanotech in our food and air). Yes, Microsoft just made a $1.1 billion deal using nano tech with two big pop companies (8/11/2024). And yes it is now in the Flu shot.
The good news – make your own nasal spray to have an extra layer your brain and sinus cavities will love. It’s great for airplane rides, groups and spending time with someone that may be in a state of toxicity for whatever reason.
– Immunity Boost (6 drops)
– Ozonated water (Amazon or dollar general)
– Himalayan Salt (two crack rotations or a pinch)
– Nasal Spray Bottle
Ozonate a glass of water for 10 minutes and pour it into your nasal glass bottle. Put all ingredients in the bottle and WA-LA.
For travel – Spray before entering the airplane, boat or car and after exiting the plane or vehicle. If it’s a long travel times do every 2 hours – I recommend going to the bathroom to do this as you may have picky neighbors.
Maintenance – Do this once a week:
1. Spray up your nostrils 3 sprays in each nostril.
2. Wait 10 seconds. (It will burn a little)
3. Blow all the spray and mucus out of your nose. Repeat 3x until your nose is empty from all the “junk.”
6. Castor Oil Up Nostrils and Lips
Before and after going somewhere put a layer of castor oil in both nostrils and lips. This helps your immune system and lymphatic system MOVE the trash.
7. Take a Charcoal Pill before or after Exposure
Do not use do this more than once every 3 months. This should be used very frequently. Please discuss effects with doctor before taking with any questions.
Before or after you know you will be around the COVID vaccine or an environment that is toxic take a charcoal pill.
This allows your body to bind synthetic and foriegn substances to poop it out faster. Please drink plenty of ozonated water. Do not take if you have not eaten or drinking properly the previous two days. (Properly: 3 meals a day and gallon of ozone water every day)
Digestive Supplement - Active Charcoal Supplement - Binds Unwanted Materials & Gas in Digestive Tract* - Gluten Free - 100 Capsules, Pack of 2
8. Eat Iodine Rich Foods
Eat seafood, fruit and make a dried fruit/kelp tasty drink:
Fruit and Kelp encourage the stomach wall to mechanically and chemically work and irritate the level absorption in the intestine wall allowing for better digestion and calm effect.
Directions to Tasty Drink:
Add ingredients in blender and blend:
- Kelp (Open 1 pill in blender)
- Dried Fruit (One bag)
- Glass of Ozonated water (Make your own with ozonater)
- Dap of Molasses
- Dap of Honey
- Bonus: For a more smoothie drink add a bag of frozen fruit of choice.
Also See 10 Ways to Eat Molasses
Molasses has high levels of Iodine.
9. Dealing with Anger - Power of Posture
Exodus 2-3; Matthew 24
Emotional – Links between brain and body is layered by emotions, memories and wisdom.
Exodus 2:11-13
11 Now it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out to his brethren and looked at their burdens. And he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his brethren. 12 So he looked this way and that way, and when he saw no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. 13 And when he went out the second day, behold, two Hebrew men were fighting, and he said to the one who did the wrong, “Why are you striking your companion?” 14 Then he said, “Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?”
Physical – Stretches – Deep Front Line
Reflexology – Spine, Bladder, Sigmoid, Eye Reflex, All Toes, Neck, Pancreas, Liver
Spiritual –
Daily Scriptures; Liver, Adrenals, All Glands, these are the physical areas of the body that anger manifest itself. Be slow to anger! Think first and delay all action and speech until you can have peace with a side of control.
Order your Power of Posture book to Deal with the bullies of our age.
10. Castor Oil + Zinc on Rashes
Apply on rashes morning and evening until it goes away.
11. Shower with Pine Tar
Shower with this Pine Tar Soap every time. The more you use it the more it goes systemic and protect from vaccine shedding to penetrate into deeper levels.
12. Deworm
I know it sounds weird, but if you knew the ingredients in the vaccine, you’d gladly ask your doctor to prescirbe you ivermectin and fenben.
You can deworm yourself with FenBen:
They put everything and the kitchin sink to host the spike protien with aborted fetus tissue for gene therapy. More Vaccine Information Here
13. Can't shake it? Get Detox
If you’re local come see me. If you are not, Buy or Rent a Box to Detox