How To Defend Against Shedding

The subject of “Shedding” may be a new term for most, however this is an old term explaining environment toxins absorbing into our skin and airways. The main way to fight against vaccine shedding is ozone. Ozone is O3. The 3rd oxygen molucule is the radical molucule killing parasites, virsues, bacteria and mold.

After watching the video about shedding scroll down for solutions.

Learn More on Shedding

The subject of “Shedding” may be a new term for most, however this is an old term explaining environment toxins absorbing into our skin and airways.

The following solutions help defend and protect all Endocrine Distruptors of frequencies like the COVID Vaccine or other frequencies of synthetic medications from going systemic but please watch the following video to understand the concept of Shedding:

See Vaccine Information on how being around people who are vaccinated sheds the bioweapon frequency code developed by the Chinese and U.S. gain of function labs on unvaccinated. The result of shedding may lead to turbo cancers, artery disease, strokes, unexplained numbness and sharp pains in different organs such as intestines, appendix, heart, stomach, ovaries, uterus, prostate, testes, bone and mesentary. Because of these cases and excess deaths, 2,500 + doctors came together to read through the Pfizer documents and found major issues with the technology that is fatal and very bad. There are now lawsuits and major parliament meetings to stop and ban vaccines.

To stay healthy in a corrupt generation, we have been given a way of escape: tools listed below!

Summary: Aborted fetus, animals and parasites/viruses/bacteria are used in CRISPR technology in the COVID vaccine. These things in our organs is very bad. Avoiding vaccinated people is quite impossible, so helpful tools are key!

The #1 way to combat shedding and man made prodecuts from clogging our system: ozone water you use a generator you can buy on amazon here.


1. Drink a Gallon of Ozonated Water Every

Ozone kills parasites, viruses, mold and bacteria.

More on Benefits of Ozone

In order for this to happen, you must have drink a gallon of ozonated water a day for at least 1 week before seeing me.

To ozone water you use a generator you can buy on amazon here.

2. Ozonate Olive Oil and Peppermint for Toothpaste

The gums, mouth and nose, ears, skin and feet are the “opening” to our mucosal lining or “insides.” When foreign invaders like parasties, bacteria, mold, fungus and endocrine distruptors find their way close to us – we can help the barrier.

Protecting body from foriegn invaders.

1. Ozonate olive oil for 15 minutes using generator.
2. Mix with peppermint or wintergreen essential oil
3. Brush teeth

To ozone olive oil you use a generator you can buy on amazon here.

3. Use Copper for Shield

Buy Here on Amazon:

Copper EMF Protection Fabric Shielding RF & LF Electromagnetic Fields Anti Radiation Fabric Blocking 39″x43″ (1)

Cut and place in underwear, purse or pockets of clothing when around vaccinated people or crowds.

You can sew, paper clip or use sew gun to sew on to inside of clothes.

4. Eat Variety of Foods & Spices

Parasites, viruses, mold and fungus can not survive in oxygenated environments.

We have a whole page of yummy recipes. Check it out!

5. Homemade Nasal Spray

Homemade Nasal Spray
Our nose is the first defense to our immune system. It warms and cleans the air with hair and mucus.

Sometimes our mucusal lining needs more protection against the toxins in the environment when we never asked for it. These endocrine distruptors (chemicals, indoor pet parasites, synthetics, mrna Vaccines and the new up and rising CRISPR technology aka nanotech in our food and air). Yes, Microsoft just made a $1.1 billion deal using nano tech with two big pop companies (8/11/2024).

The good news – make your own nasal spray to have an extra layer your brain and sinus cavities will love. It’s great for airplane rides, groups and spending time with someone that may be in a state of toxicity for whatever reason.

– Immunity Boost (6 drops)
– Ozonated water (Amazon or dollar general)
Himalayan Salt (two crack rotations or a pinch)
Nasal Spray Bottle

Ozonate a glass of water for 10 minutes and pour it into your nasal glass bottle. Put all ingredients in the bottle and WA-LA.

For travel –  Spray before entering the airplane, boat or car and after exiting the plane or vehicle. If it’s a long travel times do every 2 hours – I recommend going to the bathroom to do this as you may have picky neighbors. 

Maintenance Do this once a week:
1. Spray up your nostrils 3 sprays in each nostril.
2. Wait 10 seconds. (It will burn a little)
3. Blow all the spray and mucus out of your nose. Repeat 3x until your nose is empty from all the “junk.”

6. Castor Oil Up Nostrils and Lips

Before and after going somewhere put a layer of castor oil in both nostrils and lips. This helps your immune system and lymphatic system MOVE the trash.

7. Take a Charcoal Pill before Event

Buy Here:

Before or after you know you will be around the COVID vaccine or an environment that is toxic take a charcoal pill.
This allows your body to bind synthetic and foriegn substances to poop it out faster. Please drink plenty of ozonated water.