25 Ways to Use Ozone Water Generator!

Amy's Favorite!
Portable Ozone Generator, Multipurpose Ozone Machine with Timer

Ozone being an antimicrobial agent inactivates and kills bacteria, protozoa, yeast, fungi and virus.

25 Ways to Use Ozone Machine!

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03/27/2025 10:36 pm GMT
1. Clean your Drinking Water

More than ever before our tap water is filled with bad things. No matter what filteration system you use, the parasites, bacteria and fungus and mold still linger…not to mention, toxic waste of prescription pills, hormone therapy pills and aborted babies. Yes, 63% of Planned Parenthood abortions are now through the chemical castration pill where they flush their aborted babies down the toilet.

Thanks to the ozone generator you can bubble your gallon of water for the day and enjoy fresh water!

gallon = 20 minutes
half gallon = 15 minutes
40 ounces = 10 minutes
8 ounce = 5 minutes

2. Healthy Spa Bath 🛀

Because our tap water is bad (this includes well water since all water and air recycle.)

Thanks to the ozone generator you can bubble your bath! Make it fresh and healthy!

During your whole bath from filling it up to washing it away leave the bubbler on to smell fresh and clean skin, air and water.

Some buy 3 ozone generators.
1. One in kitchen for water
2. one in bathroom for showers and baths and that #2 odor issue.
3. one in garage for car odor and other cleaning

3. Clean Hotel Room! - Traveler Favorite!

Traveling with this generator is a breeze. It’s not heavy and is great for any hotel room when you leave for dinner you can turn on for 60 minutes and you’ll come back with a healthier, great smelling room!

Thanks to the ozone generator you can put it on a trimer and forget about it.

4. Great for Travel - Clean the water!

Traveling with this generator is a breeze. I’ve brought it to many different states. If you’re going to a different country, remember to get an adaptor plug for wherevery you are going.

Use for water in a train, plane and hotel room.

Thanks to the ozone generator timer you can put it on a timer and forget about it.

5. Kill Car Odor

Either use an extension cord from your house to plug in the generator OR buy a car plug connector…

Thanks to the ozone generator you can put it on a timer and forget about it and come back to a great smelling car!

6. Foot Bath

Check out all the things you need and directions HERE

This has so many benefits. If you feel overwhelmed, need a reset. This is a great next step. This also helps after you’ve traveled to detox from strange invisible invaders.

7. HomeMade Nasal Spray Bottle

Check out all the things you need and directions HERE

Create your own nasal spray using ozone water and couple other ingreidents.

8. Bag Your Arthritis

Arthritis is built up waste.

O3 knocks down the chemical make up of waste getting rid of swelling and inflammation.

Thanks to the ozone generator you can bag your hand/wrist with a garbage bag. Do for 20 minutes every day until the aches go away. 

Drinking a gallon of ozonated water also helps excrete waste.

9. Free Odor Hunting Gear

Hunting season is always around the corner if it didn’t just happen. Prepare sneaking up on your target by getting rid of your smells!

Ozone not only cleans but gets rid of bad smells.

Thanks to the ozone generator you can bag your gear and hunting clothes in a garbage bag and run for 60 minutes the night before you go hunt!

10. Clean Your Shoes from Bad Odors

Ozone cleans mold, fungus, parasites and those nasty smelly feet odor left in every shoe.

Thanks to the ozone generator you can throw your shoes in a trash bag for 30 minutes and go on your way smelling fresh.

11. Goodbye Car Smells 🚗

It won’t clean your child’s cherios off the floor, but it will make your car smell new again.

No matter what your car has gone through, leave the ozone in your car for 60 minutes. It cleans mold, fungus, parasites and those nasty smelly feet odor. 

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for 60 minutes and walk away. If it is a can or truck or big van, come back after the hour and see if it needs another hour. 

12. Ozone Shower Water🚿

I recommend getting another ozone machine for your bathroom. You can put it on the wall near the shower and put the end of the tube over the glass or shower curtain pole.

This will clean the water through the air. It will lower the fluride, chlorine and other hard chemicals count.

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for longer than your shower and walk away cleaner than just an anverage shower would provide.

13. Ear Infections

Kills infection and helps diminish swelling.

With a different tube than what you use for your water  (you can buy more tubes  here: https://amzn.to/3BfazuT )

1. Put the end of the tube, with out the metal ball attachment, into your ear.

2. Cup your hand around your ear with tube inside your ear comfortably, or pop a hole in the bottom of a plastic cup to make a ear covering so you don’t breathe in the ozoone or buy ear insulffilator Here: https://amzn.to/3VtH3rU

3. Turn on machine for 10 minutes in each ear. Repeat 3 times a day if the ache/pain is still there.

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for the 10 minute timer and switch ears.

14. Gargle to Kill Throat/nasal Dripping

Kills infection and helps diminish swelling in adnoids, tonsils and glands.

1. Create Ozone water in a 8 ounce glass.
2. Add two pinches of Pink Salt
3. Add 8 Drops of Immunity Boost
4. GARGLE for 20 seconds and spit out. Repeat 3 to 4 times.
(Repeat all the above a few times a day if it is lingering drainage, coughing or thick mucas making you throw up.)

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for the 10 minute timer and your ozone water is ready for the 8 ounce glass.

15. Bag your Injury

Kills infection and helps diminish swelling and cause the lypmhatic system to kick out waste form injury, allowing more healing.

1. Bag Injury with garbage bag or special Amazon ozone bags: https://amzn.to/41pCNOi
2. Turn on ozone generator with tube in garbage bag for 20 minutes.
3. Make sure the bag is not leaking out ozone.

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for the 20 minute timer and repeat morning and evenings or anytime it throbs with pain.

16. Eye Irritations

Kills infection and reduces swelling or red eyes.

1. Do not breathe in air. Please do this outside or have a fan shooting at you so you do not breathe in the ozone air. If you do breath in ozone that is okay. Just take a break and breath in your own air in a bag (This Increases C02 and lowers 02 level).

2. Once you have good air flow in the room or outside, close your eyes and shoot the end of the tube at one eye for 5 seconds. Wait 10 seconds with tube far away from face so you can breathe with out ozone air around your face. 

3. Repeat while you hold your breathe. Switch to other eye for 10 seconds.

5 seconds hold tube at the eye holding breath
15 seconds hold tube away from eye
5 seconds hold tube at the eye holding breath
15 seconds hold tube away from eye

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for a 5 minute timer. Once the 5 minutes is finished, Swtich to the other eye. 

17. Ozone Bag your Hair/Scalp

Kills infection and helps clean hair from bacteria or restores stripped hair follicles.

NOTICE: It may lighten your hair.


1. Bag hair in garbage bag or use a closed shower cap.

2. Put tube in bag or cap & Turn timer on for 20 minutes.

3. Repeat once a day for 5 days to clean and restore hair from harsh chemicals and scalp healing. 

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for the 20 minute timer while you watch your favorite C.S. Lewis youtube video.
or educational video about your hair and skin:
The Integumentary System

18. Clean your Hands from a Dirty Job

Kills infection, heavy metals and cleans harsh chemicals or whatever you touched. Great for plumbers, police officers, garbage men, welder, massage therapist etc.

1. Get comfortable and bag hands.
2. Put tube in bag, turn on ozone machine on for 15 minutes. 
3. Repeat once a day after dirty job or work. 

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for the 10 minute timer while you watch your favorite C.S. Lewis youtube video.
or educational video about BACTERIA

19. Clean your Closet

Kills invisible invaders and makes your “Made in China” clothes get rid of their chemicals and bacteria.

1. Put ozone machine in closet for 30 minutes.

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for the 30 minutes timer while you clearn your kitchen, brush your teeth and wash your face. You’ll come back to your room smelling better and your clothes fresh.

I recommend doing this at night so your clothes will keep the fresh smell but loose the intense ozone smell by the time you wear it!

20. Clean your Teeth with Water Pick

Kills bacteria, restores minerals back in teeth, removes food items or tarter. In most cases, gets rid of sore throats.

1. Ozone your water tub that is part of your water pic tool for 20 minutes.

2. Use pic like normal, but HAVE A FRESHER FEELING!

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for the 20 minute timer while you bathe your child or finish laundry OR go on a 20 minute walk and come back to jet your teeth. awww so nice.

21. Ozone Water your Fruits/Veggies

Kills bacteria and makes food last longer in the fridge.

1. Fill a big bowl or big pan of water.
2. Put fruits or veggies in bowl.
3. Ozonate the water for 5 minutes.
4. Take fruit or veggies out and dry off.
5. Save some of the water to put it in the ziplock bag you store the fruits and veggies.

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for the 5 minute timer while you do something else and prep for dinner or just stand there and watch it bubble.

22. Ozone Deodorant

Kills B.O. and helps lymphnodes empty under armpits.

1. Create Ozone water in a 8 ounce glass for 10 minutes.
2. Add one pinch of Pink Salt
3. Add 8 Drops of Immunity Boost
4. Put in little spray bottle or nasal spray bottles for multi use.

5. Spray in armpit before you go out. It cuts bad smells out of the air immediately. Bring for killing public bathroom smells as well!

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for the 10 minute timer while you pack for your trip or listen to Bach, which makes you really smart.

23. Bring Your Ozone Machine to your Church's nursery and/or Bathroom and tell them...

Less sick kids, less slimy smelly BO kids = less sick parents. Less sick parents = less stressed out families. Less stressed out families = the whole society will just feel better. A whole society feeling better = we focus on what matter = God and serving Him.

Take it to your church’s nursery and turn it on while you discuss it with the nursery Seer.
By the time you are done talking with them, you can unplug the ozone generator and put it back in your car. The worst things that can happen, is that one Sunday will cause a domino effects of people discussing a fresher room where the kids are…”Why does it smell so fresh in here.”

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for the 5 minute timer and hopefully you’ll be done with your lecture on why ozone will change everyone’s life just like Jesus would want us to be a little more cleaner…at least more cleaner than public schools, public bathrooms, waiting rooms or hospitals…

24. Bring in your Classroom or Workplace

Less sick kids

Just turn it on 5 minutes at a time through out the day. Try to do it when no one can see or directly smell it (lunch break when no one is around)…

People who are not used to it LOVE the after effect but 1% of people dislike the new smell. This means they need the smell, but just encourage them that it’s what God creates in the ocean and after thunderstorms. Ozone is created through electricity cutting through oxygen making a radical third oxygen. The radical latches on to bacteria, viruses and parasites and kills it.

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for the 5 minute timer and go to lunch!

25. Ozone Fresh Air through Window Crack

Reduce stuffy, inside Heater air or dry weather.

1. Plug in by window.
2. Crack window open just a little.
3. Place tube with metal ball on window seal.
4. Turn it on 60 minutes at a time. 

I do this in the winter time since the heaters dry us out and sufficate skin. Ozonating fresh air will reduce drop of temperature in the body and reduce skin issues/rashes during the winter.

Thanks to the ozone generator you can turn it on for the 60 minute timer and do other things while breathing in FRESH outside air.