Stretch App & Book:

Step 3
Read daily Scripture with practical stretch that clears the waste from muscles, brain and organs for a refreshing, hope filled posture.

At Home Stretch4Life App
Have your live CEU courses been cancelled? What if you could get 6 CEU credits from an app? If so, check out the details below.
Strech4Life App is a resource to help you grow as a practitioner and earn your CEU’s in a flexible manner. Stress levels have never been higher and we all need a refocus and a restart. We know that this world situation has led to depression, stress and imbalance for many who receive our services. We have the tools to help you!
Lori Walter LMT developed the Stretch4Life Massage Technique and App because of her passion to help people restore their muscle strength and range of motion. Through this method, Therapists aid in reducing or totally eliminating pain through specific stretch routines.
The CEU Course Power of Posture walks you through a set of videos and readings to help you learn these modalities for your patients. It is packed full of tools for body and mind with stretches, body meridians and essential oil information to help you strive for total body wellness. There is also a second App for your clients to utilize as they focus on wellness.
I am excited to help you, your family and your clients balance your mind, body and spirit as we walk together on the path to wellness!
Course Lessons
This course is designed to give you daily coursework to bring all the systems of the body back together.
The course has information about the body system and how it works. This includes the nervous system, digestion, etc.
The purpose of this unique way of gaining length and strength back to your muscles is to lead the body integrate our wonderfully designed body so that the properties of healing can be united.
The gap of understanding between the art of disease and the miracle of a self-healing mechanism is simple to explain. We have senses which are taste, touch, hearing, sight, and smell to intake information. We also have same senses so we can express our feelings. Often we trade the order around, instead of gathering information first and then expressing an empathic feeling response, we feel everything first, then apply it to ourselves with only our knowledge base.
If we intake information then allow the reason and self-control part of our spirit to interpret the facts not the feelings of the situation then we can have a plan, not a reaction. Because an inward emotional reaction can weaken us and lead to the process of disease.
This course will walk teach you how to use your posture and your senses to take control of your body. By doing this you can bring all of the systems of the body back together.

Course Lessons
Lesson One
Bullet Point: Taste or Memory?
Explanation on that click: “Our Brain makes incredible connections on nutrition contained in comforting meals we have eaten. Taste links these two together and our memory asks you to intake the craving of the nutrition you need.”
Lesson Two
Bullet Point: Touch = Brain
Explanation on that click: “Touch is our direct connection to the brain. Our skin is made of the same cellular material as our spine and brain. As we touch things, we are connecting these pathways.”
Lesson Three
Bullet Point: Seeing = Decisions
Explanation on that click: “Seeing is our power to look inside and outside of our surroundings to make decisions.”
Lesson Four
Bullet Point: Hearing or Listening?
Explanation on that click: “Hearing by faith or listening is our way to connect our journey and our memories together. This also helps us create new memories.”
Lesson Five
Bullet Point: Connect the Dots
Explanation on that click: “When we combine sections 1-5, we link our brain in a united message to our entire body.”
Lesson Six
Bullet Point: Forgiveness = Wellness
Explanation on that click: “Forgiveness is the only way to have complete wellness.”