I Did Not Know That

Why Yoga is Bad for You

Note: If you are Hindu or this is your religion, please ignore this page.

After performing therapeutic massages for over 12 years now, I always wondered why all the clients who did yoga stretches had hormone imbalance, lower back issues, hot flashes, weak ankles, fertility issues, thyroid issues, anxiety, frequent neck tightness and BELLY BLOAT!

Belly Bloat: I’m referring to muscular disorders not merely gut issues. Belly bloat is not referring to chronic gas, but to the lack of strength in these muscles: obliques and rectus abdominal. Specifically the popping out of the belly button which creates a distastis recti causing a weakness in the solar plexus area (below sternum). This causes herniation creating aggressive lower back issues. It promotes all kinds of disconnections from lumbar and tail bone, shutting off lower pudendal nerve aka the result of “pelvic floor issues.”

In other words, Yoga does not create an hour glass figure. Yoga creates a compression on your lateral line, causing your Thyroid to disappear into your neck.


Look up belly breathing how it displaces the abdomen what’s called the “abdomen containment” where all organs are misplaced. Yogi and yoga gurus want their organs to regress out of place because they’re trying to get to nirvana or the “happy place” which is misleading as it shuts off our Vagus nerve shifting our bodies to “Fight or Flight.” This leads to a lack of digestion, lack of reproduction and lack of elimination.  Men end up having libido, bladder, prostate, or penis penetration becomes difficult. Women may experience hormonal imbalances, leading to mood swings, addictive behaviors, and heightened particularity- ranging from anger to extreme sweetness, depending on the moment. These designed poses turn off body function so they can go into a transcendental state. That’s the whole purpose of it. It’s how they get to mediation or “white space” as they call it, where they can feel god like.


Warning!! Yoga isn’t what it seems: Rae Darabont Interview

1hr 5min

What about Yoga for Christians?


Breathe Deep...Now Hold It: Why Christians Shouldn't Practice Yoga

Michael Musto hits it on the head. Many Christians are not aware of the spiritual consequences involved in practicing Yoga. This book is well-written and insightful. Michel explains in detail the truth behind the meditation, chanting, belief in reincarnation, and karma that are all part of Yoga and why gives scriptural insight as to why Christians should not participate in it. If you have Christian family members or friends that practice Yoga, I recommend they read this book.

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Amy's Quick Video

Yoga is Great For Me, Right? Think Again - Podcast


Instead Do These Stretches

Instead of poses, do the Sports Stretch Routine on the Stretch App & Book Here. These stretches are designed to pump blood into muscles with the result of “Rest & Digest.”

Our goal is to help you be a healthier YOU!
Stretch Course
$14.99/one time

We developed the Stretch 4 Life course to restore client's muscle strength and range of motion. Through this method, our Massage Therapists aid in reducing – or totally eliminating – pain through specific stretch routines, which we personally develop for our clients. 

What you get:

✔️ Guided stretch routines to help correct common posture issues.

✔️ Over 100+ ailments and recommended stretches, oils, and massage points to help relieve symptoms of these ailments.

✔️ Specialty stretches to assist with sports, pregnancy, and renewal. 

✔️ Answers to a lot of frequently asked questions from clients.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

Hokey Pokey


Yes. The hokey pokey is amazing!

Tai Chi

What are Tai Chi Movements?

Tai Chi is the “Body by Science” version of stretch.

Tai chi movements are characterized by their graceful and continuous nature, with each movement flowing seamlessly into the next. The practice emphasizes a relaxed and mindful approach, focusing on proper body alignment, breath control, and mental concentration.

Volunteer (serve others)

Volunteer. There is no drug or endorphine high greater than serving others.

  • Help someone move
  • Help build a home with Habitat for Humanity.
  • Find 3 or 4 houses on your neighborhood who would pay for the gas for you to mow for free. Mow the yard for neighborhood widows or elderly once a week.
  • Get a once a week volunteer shift at a local grocery store stocking or bagging for people.
  • Work at UPS as a substitute.
  • Ask a local farmer if they need help once, twice or three times a week for an hour.
  • Delivery groceries (carry farmers)
Walk 20 Minutes a Day

Swimming is great for range of motion in all joints. It’s easy on the knees.

Play Freeze Tag with Your Kids on a Playground

Stopping and freezing and stopping and freezing in a non repetitive way to restrict muscles to relaxed and back to restricted (it’s a massage away from a massage therapist).

  • It’s not repetitive
  • It’s not self-seeking
  • It’s not boring/numbing to your brain
  • It’s joyful to your kids and spouse because they get to hang out with you. And laugh at you.

    It’s harder to do than crossfit and football work outs. The reason I know this…Have you seen or heard of a professional football player play on the playground for an hour?