The pelvic muscles are not ment for homosexual actions nor masturbations actions. These set of practices restrict blood flow to the pelvic floor leading and the splitting of abdominal rectus. When there are tears and splitting and rough actions to the vagina or clitoris it will lead to numbness and more seperation of the liba alba as women were meant for one husband which is one penis in a marriage. Female and male bodies were meant to be shared between one partner for life, as this creates language and the mystery of God to unite them together in His way and timing to have full satisfaction. This is why men do not understand women and vice versus, because we are different and God rigged it so we can see His creation have the most pleasure on this planet as that is how He designed it. Masturbation is an impulse, not satisfation as endorphines are released which is different than when a spouse of female and male are having intercourse. The more we self-pleasure the more we miss out on true satisfaction and get addicted to dopamine instead of true service to a heterosexual spouse.
For men, masturbation will cause damage in the lower spine, bladder and prostate due to the inccorect musclar position to masturbate with their own hands. Running from a bear and masturbating are not far from each other as it puts you in fight or flight and numbs body mechanics in general, making you weak to illness and more deception of a false fantasy. Homosexual penetration in the anus is also an impluse away from disease and ripping of muscles for system infection, not to mention absoultiy nothing should penetrate anyone’s anus. The anus is ment for one way direction of expelling human waste. No object, finger or penis should enter in the colon as it will have major illness to follow.
For women, the clitoris or vaginal masturabtion using objects or hands is not only unsanitary but extremely depressing to the immune system and automic system. The body does not understand the aggressive touch and is confused why the action is not a spouse’ penis penetrating with out your help. Your pelvis is bent and turned differently when being penetrated by a penis versus a toy from same sex or self pleasure. Both self orgasm or homosexual orgasm is just an impulse with no pleasure, but just an act of a quick dopamine dump.
For both female and male, going against God’s design of sexual intercourse is the fastest way to feel abused, used and degraded away from the original design. True pleasure must be occompanied by peace, therefore peace is only given from God through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ and must be taken seriously to move away from these practices or the “due penalty” will take you seriously to the point of major illness or death.
If you need help cleaning and clearing damage from any activity under the sun against God’s design, please reach out for some guidance to detox infections or STDs (214)810-6624 and learn other ways to cope in life (such as the next solution).