Tired of not feeling yourself?
You’re not alone. Since the COVID product rollout, I’ve seen clients and their families suffer severe symptoms, lasting injuries, and even loss of loved ones. Many struggle in silence, bouncing from doctor to doctor, with new diagnoses like diabetes, burnout, infertility, autoimmune and heart issues.
For the past 3 years, clients have detoxed the COVID products with the 8-day protocol here in the office, traveling in from other states. Some stopped needing medications and one client even canceled knee surgery after detoxing with a few additional bodywork sessions.
There are many more amazing stories, I now offer the 8-day protocol and tools for you to do in the comfort of your home: Rent-A-Box to Detox or Buy-A-Box to Detox!
I look forward to assisting you on the path of wellness and what one may say, “Restore what the locusts have eaten.” Joel 2:25-27
Amy Fornear
118164LMT, CPT, Owner of Posture Restorations
How it Works
Reported Vaccine Injury Symptoms
Schedule Appointment
How it Works
Step 1: Schedule Pick Up Appointment
When you arrive for your appointment Amy explains how to use the tools in the box.
Step 2: Perform 8-Day-Protocol in Your Home
Using electricy medicine and drinking a gallon of ozonated water daily eliminates the COVID vaccine shedding and COVID vaccine. More on vaccine injury symtpoms.
Step 3: Return or Buy Box
Once finished with protocol, return box. If you buy the box – you keep with additional consultation for other ailments you want to address!
Here for you every step
Start feeling more like yourself today!
On Call/Text During 8-Day Protocol
If you have any questions during the 8-Day protocol, text or call Amy.
COVID Product Symptoms
Delayed healing
Loss of smell/taste and hair
Insomnia and low libido
Reproductive imbalances, organ pain, tumors
Depression, anxiety, and mood swings
Infected organs or "fibrosis"
Heart attacks, palpations & strokes
Unexplained numbness in hands/arms
Vaccine Information
What is in the COVID products?
The vaccine contains a lipid nanoparticle capsule with mRNA frequency codes designed to alter human cells (utilizing DNA – aborted fetal tissue). This was created through gain-of-function research in the U.S., with Chinese labs, targeting one of the spikes in the COVID virus tested in rats.
What does the damage look like?
The lipid capsule is indigestible, leading to damage to the epithelial linings which looks like “fibrosis”. The spike protein disrupts the endocrine system, impairing the brain-body connection. Consequently, organs like the liver, heart, thymus, and reproductive systems are damaged as they respond to error messages caused by the synthetic mRNA, triggering a cascade of immune reactions at the individual’s weakest points. Laymen’s terms: What is the Vaccine Doing? Short Answer: Shutting down the Kreb Cycle.
*Price does not include deposit of $200 returnable once supplies returned undamaged.
Rent-A-Box to Detox Includes:
Step-by-Step Consultation In-Person
8-Day Protocol Checklist
Microcurrent, Pads, and Wires
Taxes, Paid shipping costs under $25
Ozone Generator
Probiotic, Bone Broth, & BlackStrap Molasses
Additional Consultation Post Protocol
Keep all tools for lifetime
Purchase box for additional consultation for multiple uses.
Buy-A-Box to Detox Includes:
Step-by-Step Consultation In-Person
8-Day Protocol Checklist
Microcurrent, Pads, and Wires
Taxes, Paid shipping costs under $25
Ozone Generator
Probiotic, Bone Broth, & BlackStrap Molasses
Additional Consultation Post Protocol
Keep all tools for lifetime
*Credit Card Fee: (3.7%) Avoid with check or Zelle
*Travel Costs: Starting rate of $200 for travel fee for In-Home visit (call for quote)
Detox Testimonies
Rent-A-Box FAQ
Is the protocol safe for pace maker or stents?
Only affects a pace maker (depends on doctor) but only helps with stents.
What does the protocol entail?
The 8 Day protocol involves drinking a gallon of Ozonated water a day and do microcurrent (not TENS) on specific parts of your body to jumpstart the Immune System. It’s the only way for the brain to recognize to purge out the nanotechnology and CRISPR (DNA) technology (vaccine ingredients).
Where do I return the box?
Posture Office:
3327 Colorado Blvd., Denton, TX 76210
or call for Dallas Hub Address. (214)810-6624
Is this protocol right for me?
A. If you are not okay with instructions or following protocol as Amy gives over the phone or facetime – please do not bother. She will give a 30 minute in person or facetime consultation before starting and will be on call during your 8 Day Rent A Box to Detox time frame.
B. If your spouse does not want to do with you – please do not bother. They will shed on you and harm you further away the path of wellness as the surface area of disease will increase as you detox and they do not and shed on you. If anyone in the family is vaccinated and does not want to detox with you please do not bother.
C. If you do not want to drink a gallon of ozonated water every day during the protocol, please do not bother. This is extremely important and if you have hesitations or do not want to do it, do not purchase Rent-A-Box to detox.
D. If you are on a lot of medications – please call Amy first to see if this protocol would be a contraindication.
How does the 8-day-protocol work?
The protocol jumpstarts the body to trick itself to think it is a common cold, in which it naturally knows how to detox.
COVID and the vaccine is not something the brain acknowledges because COVID products of virus and vaccine through gain of function were created in a lab with aborted fetus tissue CRISP technology, nanotechnoloy and MRNA with Spike protien.
Because the body can not cannabalize human tissue (Chimera) the substance was created by scientists to grow inside and steralize people. The more you have been on medication or weakness the worse the vaccine penetrates lipid nano particles. See Vaccination Information to learn more.
Are there any additional shipping costs?
Shipping costs under $25 is included in price. Deposit of $200 is required in addition to $600. It is returned once all returnable items are shipped back or dropped off at Dallas Hub or Denton Hub (Posture Office). This will all be discussed based on your needs and capabilities. Please call Amy for quote including all shipping costs and travel fees if that applies. (214)810-6624
What is in the box?
- Detox Directions
- On-Call Support
- Ozone Generator
- Microcurrent
- Wire & Pads
- Batteries
- Bone Broth
- Blackstrap Molasses
- 8 Priobiotic Pills (1 a day)
- Letter of encouragament from Amy
- 8-Day-Protocol Daily Checklist
Detox FAQ
Is massage and any bodywork contraindication with those who are vaccinated? YES
Massage (outside stress) with certain medications (inside stress) is a contraindication for massage Internationally.
When I went to MD Anderson for oncology massage training, we learned cancer does not give you heart attacks, however, if the client is on treatment or medications (inside pressure) the massage (outside pressure) can cause heart or other organs to fail or implode. This is why your massage therapist should ask on a regular basis if you have added any filler supplements, vaccines, antibiotics (steroids), medications or over the counter drugs. Therefore, detoxing the vaccine is the first step in order for your body to properly heal, it must purge the frequency code or in layman’s terms – reboot the “breaker.”
A picture of epithelial tissue sufficating organs, veins, arteries, and tissue by killing the vaccine injury:
My doctor and scans do not see vaccine injury, could you still massage? No
Because the vaccine is a frequency code you can’t scan it. You can palpate adhesions, lumps or the “calamari” like substance that prevents blood flow to organs which results to malfunction. This substance (CRISPR plus nanotechnology) is why we are seeing more surgeries, infertility, and miscarriages with those who are vaccinated.
If you are under the care of a doctor, physical therapist, or massage therapist… take responsibility of your own health – please ask more questions on what their treatment or lack of treatment is doing to your organs in conjunction to these CDC “considerations”: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/myocarditis.html
Have I nudged emotionally through media and doctors to choose medical intervention?
How do you know if you have vaccine damage?
Since the vaccine is a bioweapon with a code frequency the body does not recognize it as it is not scannable through blood work, MRI or heart check ups unless it is an autopsy or a skilled therapist or doctor who can palpate scar tissue or weak muscles around vital organs. This weakness around organs is the reason for miscarriages, skipped periods, heart murmurs, losing color in skin, chronic fatigue, joint pain, poor sleep, losing feeling in hands or feet or can’t heal from a surgery like usual.
Here are some things to look ask:
1. Do you feel a “wooshing” of blood in your heart chamber?
2. Palpate your muscles surrounding organs – does it feel hard or restricted?
3. How long does it take to slowly blow up a balloon until you have to breath in again? Less than 10-15 seconds?
4. Are your feet cold all the time or do they have inconsistent warmth?
5. Do you have chronic fatigue or unmotivation?
6. Do you have joint pain, hard time recovering from surgery, tumors, joint pain (POTS), numbness, tingling, recently diagnosed with diabetes, miscarriages, cycsts, or turbo cancer?
7. Are your oxygen levels low?
8. Are you skipping periods?
9. Is it hard to sleep?
10. Recently been diagnosed diabetes or glucose emblanace?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions if would be good to get the vaccine detoxed from the lymph system and/or at least come in for a consulation. Call for questions: (214) 810-6624 or skip to the detox vaccination part of this page.
Can I have these symptoms without the vaccine? YES
Yes, the medical term is called “shed” or exposed. Shedding by the vaccine is not the same as getting the vaccine. However, since it is an STD, it can be transfered and endocrine distruptor, it can still cause a lot of damage to organs and create the above symptoms.
To explain shedding, it is a common occurance in the medical field. Surgeons wear gloves and white gowns, detectives where has mat suits around Fetnyl or even why people smell like the person they just hugged all day. We absorb everything we touch or live around. This is why military vets are getting compensated for health issues from 30 to 50 years ago of just being around the burn pit. Shedding is real.
If you haven’t been vaccinated and you live or hang with someone who is vaccinated, chances are you’ve been “shed” on. Instead of the full 5 sessions to detox the vaccine, people who did not get vaccines would need anywhere between 1-5 sessions. Depends on how systemic the vaccine dug into tissues and the health of the client. Call for questions on detoxing: (214) 810-6624 or skip to the detox vaccination part of this page.